Other option beyond Audion -
You could consider a few other options. There are other tubes in the 300B family that can deliver very similar mids with a bit more power. 300BXLS, 520B and the 320B XLS/842 are all very interesting tubes.
Examples -
KR has a 300B XLS bases SET that is 20w. The KR VA340 is phenomenal but it is $12,500. I could talk to Eunice and see if we could do a Black Friday/Cyber Monday type deal but it wouldn't be more than 10 or 15%.
KR Also offers a 40W Push Pull 300B which is $9000, the VA830. Wonderful amp that will drive those speakers unbelievably well.
Art Audio offers an 845 or 211 based SET which will get you to 18w. The 845 or 211 has an amazing soundstage. This is my favorite tube and I have a pair of 845 push-pull mono-blocks. The soundstage is deep and wide with shockingly flat frequency extension. It won't have the pronounced mid-range that you get from an EL34 and it is miles from the lush mid-range you would get with a 300B. These tubes require massive amounts of current, and you want to only purchase from very trustworthy manufacturers. On-sale, Art Audio's are ~$8500 as an integrated. The 520B based SETs are 2x that.
Line Magnetic has an 845IA SET which is 22w and I think the price is in the $4500 or $5000 price range. People rave about this amp and it has a very appealing price point but again, 845 based tubes rather than 300B. The tube compliment is pricey as they use 300Bs in the driver stage.
Opera-Consonance makes a few amps that are interesting. The
Reference5.5 MKII Integrated amplifier is 18w as a 300B Push Pull. It is inexpensive....$2K though it is made and china and only comes with a 1 year parts warranty, no labor. Ships with inexpensive PSVane tubes so there is a strong incentive to upgrade. Given the low cost it is not crazy to step up to EML or even KRs.
I am sure there are others. These are ones I am thinking of off hand.
As a dealer I don't carry Line Magnetic. I can talk to Eunice about KR for you to try and get closer to your price range with with Audion but I am a KR Tube re-seller and don't carry there amps officially. It would be at KRs discretion. I could also refer your to one or their re-sellers. I am talking to opera-consonance about becoming a dealer. At this time there isn't a re-seller in the US so I am pretty sure they will sell to me. I am the importer for Art Audio so I have complete control over that line.