Is the Modwright for an Oppo udp205 worth it?

Thinking about getting the modwright for my Oppo udp205. Does anyone have any experience with it?
Hey Dean,
I rolled an early NOS 1950’s brown based GEC U52 in for the rectifier and NOS 1975 Reflektor Silver Shields for the output tubes. The U52 is considered one of the 2 best 5u4g rectifiers ever made and the Reflektors are considered the top 6922 ever. The sound is open, detailed and fast, but very musical. Soundstaging is amazing. Both front to back and left to right. Deep, layered and detailed.

I could also see someone liking 7308 or 6922 NOS Telefunkens which have a warmer sound signature but are a little too slow and thick sounding for my tastes. I tried NOS 69 Tele 6dj8’s and without any hours on them, the Reflektors bettered them in all the areas previously mentioned except in mid range richness but at at the expense of speed and detail. The Tele 7308’s are considered superior to the Tele 6dj8’s though.

Please be sure to post your thoughts on the 205 when it arrives! 👍
Dan did my Sony 9000es more than 15 yrs ago, Dan is not cheap, but He does a good job, Good Service and communications, I would say discuss your needs , He will guide you...
Good advice. Thanks. I will definitely report on it when I get it... in like 3 weeks :/ Has anyone used the tube section with HT? I usually have the 2 channel rca outputs with remaining 5 channels for HT.
 @jafant So my system is going through some real drastic changes.
presently Krell Digital Vanguard-SR Blue Fuse, Shunyata Delta PC, Pioneer LX500 Modwright analog out with Audioquest Sydney.I use an external RME-ADI-2 DAC(find that superior to the Krell’s) Wireworld Equinox Balanced into the Krell. Running Audrivana from my MacBook Ifi USB into DAC. Acoustic Signature Triple X, w/HanaSl into SPL Phonos. Going to my Vandersteen 2ces which are now up for sale on ‘gon. Just purchased Spatial M3 sapphires and soon replacing the Amp with SPL Performer and Director combo. Speaker cables will change too but I’m using Audioquest Castle Rocks, probably gonna do a combo of Anticables for the Spatials ...I have to say that I  am just so impressed with the SPL line. You guys should check them out. Exciting times.

Nice system. keep me posted on massaging the Pioneer LX-500 MW into your set up.

Happy Listening!