Mundorf M-Tube in Tube Amplifier Power Supply

Is anybody have experience using Mundorf M-Tube in tube amplifier power supply?
How do they compared to other capacitors like: ClarityCap  TC600, Audio Note Kaisei, Elna Cerafine?
Hi @grannyring ,

Thank you for advice!

1. I run these new ClarityCap capacitors for 4 hours with Frubaby2 connected to amplifier input + 5 hour with normal music playing.
So far so good. The difference between ClarityCap T600 and Nichicons is very impressive! It is more significant than difference between Hashimoto vs James Audio output transformers!
High frequencies are very extended, detailed and smooth, bass is deeper and has more weight. Much more details, air and separation between musical instruments, bigger sound-stage. In general sound is more "analog" with less grain and haze. Image of musical instruments (like piano) are more stable and have more body.

2. Next step to remove Nichicons and 20 Ohm resistors between choke and ClarityCap (output B+).

3. After that, I will exchange Nichicons to Mundorf 30uf in driver B+ and input B+.
I need 4 capacitors (2 per each channel).

4. I know some people blame ClarityCap T and Mundorf M-Tube capacitors for bright and too analytical sound. But I think the issue is modern speakers with very bright tweeters that these people are using. They need amplifier with hazed, muddy high frequencies to make these speakers sound right.



I did  step 2 - removed Nichicon capacitors 2x100uF and 2x20 Ohm resistors (one resistor per channel) between choke and ClarityCap (output B+).
I don't like results. Bass become lightweight. As result too light tonal balance and
less information from lower mid-range to deep bass, less body of instrument.
Probably sound without  Nichicons a little more clean and airily, but the difference in very small.
Probably 100uF is not enough for 2x 300B tubes in class A with total idle current 130mA?  Before adding ClarityCaps output stage B+ capacitance was 200uF and when Nichicons and ClarityCaps were used together - 300uF .    
So, I going to return  Nichicon capacitors 2x100uF and 2x20 Ohm resistors back.

I'm not disappointed at all. It was a good experience for me.

I just added a scheme of power supply update and a general  scheme of my amplifier to "my system" page.
Nice work! I am sure your comments are spot on regarding your particular amps design and capacitance needs.  Always best to try and learn! Great job!
Hi @grannyring ,

I installed Mundorf 30uF Mtube capacitors in driver and input tubes B+ instead of old
100uF Nichicons.
The first impression was good - warm tonality, fast bass and micro-dynamics.
But now I recognize that my amp sounds too forward and too much emphasis mid-range and vocals. The high frequencies extension is not as god as in was with Nichicons too.
Does is a typical Mundorf Mtube sound or these capacitors need more break-in time?
