Need suggestions for a $1500 used system for my daughter.......

She just purchased her first house and she wants good sounding music playing soon! Yes, it seems I influenced her. 100% Tidal streaming. I will make all cabling for her. Small floor-standers or book shelf speakers.   Can be separates or an all in one. Needs to have a nice smooth and warmish sound.  She dislikes top end sizzle or bite. Full bodied sound is needed! Can be tubes, but only small signal tubes .... no power tubes.  Ok Agoners please offer me up some killer options! Most likely used with my small budget, but who knows?! Thanks in advance. 
The Volumio Primo looks like a good streamer. If she is not an audiophile yet she can start with just a tablet and possibly upgrade later.
Craigslist is your friend!  Get a Marantz reciever, JBL or Pioneer speakers, and whatever streaming device you want.  Don't buy new.
Thanks all! I ended up finding some nice Meadowlark Osprey speakers at a great price on Craigslist. Also purchased a Nuprime IDA-8 at a great price. Both for $1400 total. Now need to get a streamer for cheap with built in computer board as she does not have a laptop to use. Volumio is perfect, but costs too much.

this might sound crazy but if she would want great video sound also ; as a seasoned audiophile i am in wonderment over the Nakamichi Shockwave soundbar. It comes w two wireless subs that integrate beautifully. i mostly use it for music and am very pleased using it in a second home. looks good too. just a thought