Quad Tube Rolling

Okay, this may sound like a dumb question for smart audiophiles but i am still earning my wings in this fine hobby. In short, I am only too happy to defer to this knowledgeable forum and would greatly appreciate any input.  My question is, will it make a noticeable sonic difference if i changed the input tubes on Schiit Freya+. I recently changed the stock input tubes from 6SN7GTB (Russian) to the Sylvania 5692 red base (1950) and found them to be a welcomed improvement and they are still just breaking in. So, it makes sense to do the same with the input but that is a $175.00 decision so i am needing some big brother advise... What say ye?           
Ok, i learned quite a bit from everyones feedback thus far. The consensus seems to be; i have already gained any audible improvement by rolling the right or "gain side" of tubes. No point in going any further with different tubes on the cathode side. However, just to be sure the "contacts" everyone is referring to are the RCA and or XLR cables on the input and outputs?
However, just to be sure the "contacts" everyone is referring to are the RCA and or XLR cables on the input and outputs?

????  All comments/post made are in reference to changing tubes.  No comments were made with respect to how to connect the phono stage within one's system i.e. single ended RCA or balanced XRL.

If your phono stage and preamp allow balanced connections you should 'em. Otherwise single ended works fine.