Are sound bars worth it?

My cable provider [Videotron in Quebec City] does not offer a cable base/box with analogue outputs. So, I am at a loss how to get the audio signal from my TV to my preamp, for real sound while watching TV.

My question is whether any sound bars are worth the expense and effort in providing better audio than the TV itself [a SONY.... but they are all terrible].

Any opinions?
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Thank you for these responses.

Maxwave: I have the Helix base, which has no analogue outputs. You are correct about Illico's RCA outputs... but Videotr5on is phasing out that format, so Helix is the future for Videotron.... Thus no analogue outputs.

To the other responses: I am puzzled that today's TVs do not have RCA audio outputs, just inputs, which I do not see the point of. Perhaps someone can enlighten me.

I have yet to try an adapter cable that takes the TV's headphone output to the preamp's RCA input.... However, as cd318 notes, "The tricky part was finding the necessary setting you have to change on the TV menu to enable audio out."
He offers to try to find the settings for me... I would be grateful.

But, about those sound bars... No one has as yet offered an opinion about their efficacy.

So, I am at a loss how to get the audio signal from my TV to my preamp

 Does the cable box, or TV, have digital output? I’m guessing one of them, or both, do have digital output. Just get a DAC, connect the DAC via a digital cable (optical or coax) from the cable box, or TV, and analog RCA cables out of the DAC, into your pre-amp.

Do you know what a DAC (Digital to Analog Converter) does? It would seem to be a perfect solution to get a digital signal out of your TV, into your pre-amp..

You can find DACs starting at about $10 on Amazon. If you want to step up to an "audiophile approved" DAC, the Shiit Audio Modi starts at just $99 and has a money back return policy.
Even easier and cheaper and is a lot better than the tv sound.
I run a Polk soundbar in my bedroom from an older Sony 55 inch tv.
It has a direct toslink digital input.
The tv has a toslink digital output.
The soundbar is mounted on the wall above the tv, toslink cable joins the two, heck it even auto turns on when it senses a digital signal!
The setting is just in the audio menu, select either tv speakers or external speakers, select external and you are all set.
The Polk has a tiny remote for volume and bass boost.
Cost was like $90 from ebay I think, maybe 3 years ago.

Is it hifi?
No but it sounds very good to my ears for my bedroom.
For main living room full on boogie home theater usage.
I would say it would not work for me but I love spending money so what do I know!
I run a ZVOX soundbase (the deep cabinet style) that the OLED sits on. They’re pretty much identical widths. So far so good.  And it enables me to keep the two systems separate, which I prefer.
From my experience a sound bar is worth it.

I bought the Yamaha Sound Bar a few months ago - took only a few minutes to connect to my Yamaha subwoofer. My apartment bedroom is pretty small so the bass is a good upgrade from my normal tv speakers.

Most sound bars are under $100. I thought it was a good purchase, but I'd be hesitant on buying one over $150 since you can buy a subwoofer for that much.