PS Audio's DSD Windom Firmware Update!

I've had a PS Audio DirectStream DAC for a while, snagged mine just weeks after it was introduced.  Each and every time they've provided a firmware update for this unit, I've downloaded and applied it, finding improvements every time.

Yesterday afternoon Scott McGowan emailed me to give me access to the Windom update, I see it's now available for download on the PS Audio website.

I downloaded and installed it last night and did a small sampling of some classical, jazz and rock and I think Ted hit it out of the park with this update!
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Actually, I have not experimented with LAN streaming of PCM files higher than 192/24 which my 7 years old Naim streamer achieved with a Burr Brown chip. However, PSA DirectStream DAC as a whole unit (inclusive of the Bridge II card and its massive power supply) sounds great with lower resolution files ripped from my CD collection and streamed via Naim Core on my home LAN. For me, this is as significant as installing a top Origin Live or SME tonearm on a turntable.
Any updates on performance now, especially if reading source CD info directly via transport vs ripped or streamed media?
Happy New Year.  I wish all of you and your loved ones success, good health, and happy days listening to your favourite music in good company. 
Hi there,
I did not take notes, but I guess I have run PS Audio DSD for about 500 hours so far as I use analogue in parallel.  I put my Naim CD player away a couple of year ago as I ripped all my CDs to Naim Uniti Core server with 2 TB SSD (much more space than I needed).  The  coaxial output from Core goes to DSD using Chord Aray coaxial digital cable to play music ripped in WAV (guess this counts as CD native format?).  It exhibits good sound stage, balanced articulation of musical instruments, and decent realism.  However, with bass-heavy recordings (my ears are ultra sensitive to bass) I revert to Bridge II LAN connection to reduce bass weight a wee bit.  

Happy listening