Yamaha NS 5000

Anybody know if or when the Yamaha NS 5000 speaker will hit the US shores? There was a great thread on A’Gon on this new speaker but it is now deleted? Other than an Australian and UK review I do not see too much conversation about this speaker. I am intrigued because Doug Schneider (of SoundstageHiFi.com) said in a blog post that these new speakers were the best sounding ones at the Tokyo audio show that also had other top line speakers.
If you look at the gallery pictures here you will find a picture of the  NS5000s set up in a sound room.They sound superb in there.Any of my audio friends who have heard them in this system have been very impressed.It looks nothing special but sounds really good.Note the acoustic panels behind them which are a Yamaha product and must be there for a reason.Wrong West Coast for you though yyzsantabarbara!
@jetter I have a bigger room downstairs, it is 21'L x 12'W (+5 on entrance) x 25'H. I cannot put anything there for a few years because my toddler is the boss of that room at the moment. Once he gets about 18 months older I was thinking of putting a KEF Blade2 in that room, though the NS 5000 would likely be better suited for that space. So if the NS 5000 is too big for my office then the downstairs is a safety net. 

The NS 5000 is likely harder to knock down than the KEF Blade2. This is an important point since my 3.5 year old son is unusually big and strong for his age. He already wears clothes sized for 6 and 7 year old kids. That is one reason I want to wait a bit for the downstairs system purchase, until he gets a bit more mentally mature.

There are a few things that I have going for me that should make the NS 5000 work in my office.

1) My enthusiasm to try something new and cutting edge in the office
2) DSP (ROOM PERFECT) on the Lyngdorf
3) The foam bung to reduce low frequency output to 49Hz on the speaker
4) I listen at low to mid volume level
5) My room is acoustically treated and currently sounds great with KEF LS50's
6) I could always order from Music Direct and do a 2 month home demo. 

Anyways, these are first world problems and I am not going to sweat it. I am going to believe the reviews on the imaging, soundstage, etc. I forgot to mention that the NS 5000 owners manual recommends a little toe in. The demo had the speakers facing straight out.

I am enjoying the process of buying the next speaker. It has been a long time since I had the space and almost the money to buy something cool.

@jtgofish Thanks for the time to find the photo. You actually mentioned that to me more than a year ago in a private conversation. I currently have some acoustic panels behind my current speakers that maybe are doing the same thing. I think mine are for absorption, whatever the case, they made massive improvements in my existing speakers.

I had a sound tech remotely look at my room and suggest treatment options. I just told him to do what is needed and give me the bill, so I am not sure what technically is happening, diffusion or absorption.
I'm in the chicago burbs and so far the only showroom i've found the speakers listed that had have a showroom is ABT electronics, which is a big box store. As to the other shops i'll take your word.
You might think this one is about the Yamaha NS-5000 loudspeaker shown, but it’s not. Instead, it’s what’s behind the speaker -- an acoustic panel from Yamaha named ACP-2 that works with a pair of loudspeakers to help strategically tame their output into the room. Priced from ¥45,000 to ¥60,000, depending on the finish (the dark wood one shown is ¥60,000), the ACP-2 measures 23.11”W x 47.24”H x 1.18”D and weighs 12.5 pounds. It’s said to work from 80Hz to 4000Hz, but I am not sure how much sound it absorbs and how much it reflects. What I do know is that Yamaha not only had these panels behind the speakers, they had them in many other places in the room, such as along the walls and in the corners. They were also showing and using a slightly smaller, lighter panel that looks similar called TCH, which is priced at ¥36,000 and works from 125Hz to 4000Hz. These panels seem like interesting acoustic treatments, but, unfortunately, I was told that they’re only available in Japan.