RevelStudio2 really special or I need to hear more

I have long been a panel fan, whether 'stat or ribbon. I am therefore very sensitive to the boxiness and disintegration of drivers in box speakers. I have been auditioning some box speakers as of late, as I feel I do not hear the boxiness and the disintegration of drivers in the upper range offering. Coming across the Revel Studio2 the other day, driven by all out ML gear, I was quite impress. Although I am never a fan of ML gears, and I could clearly hear the ML sound through the Revel, I was nevertheless impressed with these speakers for their coherency and the correctness of portraying the musical instruments. I have listened to Harbeths, Rockport, ATC etc. and yet I still feel something special about the Revel. Question is, do you yourself find these speakers special, or is it me who have not heard enough of the good offerings? For the latter case, what other box speakers would you recommend that are extremely coherent, natural and boxless sonically? All inputs appreciated.
What's with all of the trash talk in this thread about ML gear? Have I been listening to bad-sounding amps all these years and I didn't even know it? :)

Personally, I think you guys are nuts. All amps with flat frequency response (+-.25db), low noise (>-70db below 2.83v), low distortion (<0.1%), low output impedance (<0.2ohms) and are near-perfect voltage sources down to 2ohms are going to sound identical.

Op Amp sound? You really can't be serious.
I liked the studio2's when I briefly heard them in an unfamilliar system and room a little while back. Seemed clean, transparent and dynamic.

If thats your bag I'd suggest also seaking out a Kharma audition. Other than the smallest they move more air and the drivers are also very well intergrated.
System synergy is always important. A ML 433 drives my Studio 2's as well as my C52. The match works very well, which isn't a surprise given the electronics Revel probably uses to voice their speakers.
The studio's are special , I liked the first ones better but there both very neutral and easy to listen to . you will need a couple of hundred watts to bring them to life .