What AV amplifier for 4 x b&W + centre


I have 4 x b&w 803 d3 + centre and currently all this is run by Arcam 850 

Could you please suggest how to improve sound ? 
Would it be a good idea to buy Classé 5300 and then look for another processor ? Can I use my old Arcam and add the Classé as an amplifier only ?
Maybe it is possible to add powerful stereo amp to fronts and adjust Arcam to only rear and centre ?

Any advice would be appreciated 

   Is it mostly for music or movies? If movies, I would consider adding a sub. If music, I would add a power amp for the fronts and listen to stereo only - if Arcam has that capability.

   Hope this helps...
Maybe look for a Krell Trio 3-channel amp to do your front stage.  The use the Arcam for surrounds.  The Krell is likely very close to the Arcam sound.   Or get the Arcam PA720 amp if you want to match the sound exactly.

the Classe 5300 will have a different sound.  Cleaner and more neutral than Arcam.  Arcam has a somewhat smooth and liquid coloration in my opinion.  However, I did try Classe once in my system with B&W D3 and the sound was rather flat/sterile.  Caphill feels completely differently though.

there are other amps that would do well with B&W
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Thank you for all your help to date
I went to my local dealer this morning and to my surprise they have Classé stereo amp + 803 d3 in their studio    I fell in love immediately and ordered 5300    Hope 5 channel will sound same good 

I will be pairing the amp with my old Arcam 850 ( serving as processor )    I am quite nervous about this.  
I feel that I have to start looking for a new processor 

if any of you have any suggestions please let me know 

many thanks 
