Douk Audio. Any experience with any of their products?

I've seen several products under this name on eBay in recent history, including a tube preamp board that looks pretty impressive. Especially for the money.   They reference a pretty exotic Audionote preamp in the title.  

Douk Kondo Audionote

I noticed the url on the board, and decided to find out more. Turns out the entire website is blank. Assuming this was an error, I messaged the seller.

I was interested in learning more about the Kondo board, and tried the website to see what info was there, and I get a blank page. Just fyi."

I thought they might appreciate the heads up about the error. Instead, I received this response:
"Hi dear customer
wish you have a nice day
the amp board designed by our designers
so you cant find it
best regards
Douk-Amy :)"

Not exactly a confidence builder. I'd be interested to hear if anyone has had direct experience with these folks.
These guys do a GREAT job at a very competitive price!  Bought a Digital Amp from them.  Had some problems getting it hooked up.  They were very responsive and willing to make it right.  User error on my end.  Amp sounds GREAT and very competitively priced.  Liked it so much  bought a phono preamp.  Btw, they were willing to go the extra mile and replace the amp with a new one if we did not get it working.
Hi have a Nobsound NS-01P Tube pre amp I bought used on ebay. I have NOS-Mullard 12AX7 tubes with a vintage Telefunken rectifier tube.

It's about as basic as you can get in an active pre.

The unit is dead quiet and built like a tank.

I am very happy with it, punches way above it's weight class!
I have bought several items off of douk audio. they are primarily a re-seller for chinese gear manufacturers. Their EAR phono stage clone is really good, as are their tube pre amps. Great value for the money.

I bought their 6P1 (Nobsound) amp two years ago. 

The BAD:  the cheap on/off switch took about an hour for me to reassemble and get working right.  Then, this year, a channel began to fail, then completely failed in a puff of smoke.  I got in touch with them (they tried, but communication is ... well, 'amusing')--couldn't find a schematic, but I did manage with their help to id a capacitor and resistor to replace.  Probably spent 50 or more in ordering and shipping stuff (some of my 'guesses' turned out to be incorrect), including another set of power tubes, which I believe I don't need. Finally got it going.  Still static--eventually located a bad solder joint (that may have been bad from the beginning).  Now it "seems" fine.

The GOOD:  the failure, I now think, wasn't due to a bad tube (as they suggested), but a power surge that hit here last year.  Hardly their fault (all my SS gear blew up).  Good #2:  even though I have almost 0 skills in soldering and barely more experience in electronics, I was able to fix it (I think).  Good #3:  the reason I bothered is because the sound is fantastic--WAY better than alternatives in the $700-1000 range (some  examples of which are now sitting idle beside it). So my advice is for $250, get yourself a soldering iron, and go for it!
I purchased a  chinese tube preamp from Douk about 1 yr ago,, he was kind enough to allow me to ship it back to a  china office in California,,I kindly gave hima  $100 restock fee, = all worked out OK. 
So yeah  he is a solid seller,,I know a  friend here on audiogon who had buys from Douk, and no issues, 
= 100% solid. 
Zero complaints,
Amy will respond,, although agree their english could use improvement,,,but then my english ain't all that  polished,,,
I'm from New Orleans,,what do you expect :-))