Vandersteen 2wq x-over help

Hi. I have a Hovland Sapphire amp and I need to find out the correct values for the x-over. The output imp is 680kOhms. I tried emailing Mr Vandersteen a few weeks ago, but I haven't received an answer; very annoying considering I purchased his product.

So can anyone help please? Thanks.
No, its absolutly Half Ass.
As Stated in the manual
Its a temporary assessment box to experience the optimum choice setting for your particular amp, and Vandersteen 2WQ.
Adjust for the best transistion acording to the input impedance of you amp.
Once you have experienced the best setting you simply contact your Vandersteen dealer for the premium grade X2
Fixed unit.
RCA at $120 the pair
XLR at 225 the pair
For even better performance
Variable Battery bias type High Pass units called
Vandersteen X5 RCA and X5 XLRs
are available at 895 and 995 the pair
Cheers JohnnyR