Biwire vs Single/jumper: Cardas Golden Ref

My experience - similar to others per these discussion boards - is that the effect of moving to internal bi-wire (or even shotgun pair) from single wire plus jumper is a little bit unpredictable.

Specific question: what was your result comparing Cardas Golden Reference in single wire with jumper versus internal biwire at the speaker end?

Current speakers are Silverline 17.5 .
Amp is Cary SLI-80.

Thank you.
Hello Art ... I have not done an A,B test with Cardas Biwire to single wire and jumper , but I did with Transparent . The difference was very very slight , In the end I picked the single wire route . Can't say for sure the single wire was better sounding , but it was at least as good . The biwire route was about $1500. more , and if I ever changed to a single wired only speaker , I would not have to purchase new cables . Hope this helps a bit .
I am using Cardas GR with jumpers as I didn't want the expense and complexity of two cables and didn't seen any Cardas biwire used when I was shopping. Has worked fine with Cardas jumpers [the smaller ones]. I am now trying out VH Audio 14 gauge silver wire as jumpers, first impression is that it is even better. The jumper is more important than many people, including some manufactures, seem to think.
LSA 1's are in the home theatre. It is FANTASTIC. I suppose it's the voicing, plus the fact that they are not quite as revealing as the LSA Statements or Silverline 17.5, but they are a match made in heaven with my Marantz AV receiver. Not as detailed as my Cary Silverline rig but very beautiful at reproducing music. I'm using LSA standard center, which is of course an excellent match (their better center speaker I think). However the center speaker is very large, so it's a bit awkward and took me time to find a suitable piece of furniture to hold my AV system including the center.

BTW I recently started using the new $99 Apple TV to stream audio from iTunes on my Mac to the HT and use the built-in Marantz DAC. Again, it sounds very lovely, likely due to the slight forgiving quality of the LSA Standard (either that or just the speaker voicing.).
