@tomic601 ...
"now a Klipsch and Maggie marriage must sound like a tortured Labradoodle on speed.."
*LOL* As for the latter...how can you tell the difference between 'that'...and one that isn't?! They Always seem to be wound up like a tin toy....*L* They make most breeds act like they're on 'doggie downers'...
Anyway, back 'on topic'....
2 pairs of 'matched' omnis'....small sub for the 'bottom'....active eq.
The only thing I'd fault Linkwitz with is different pairs F & R....
My 'reference speakers' are 3 pairs for H, M, & B; same formula as the omnis'....
I have a pair of small Maggies', and No, I wouldn't subject them to 'competition'. Dipoles and direct radiators conflict by nature; the K's will drown the Maggies' subtlety....;)
Yes, I have an attitude about 'these things'....just like everyone else around here. *L*
Nothing personal, mind you.... ;) I just needed to toss my wooden shoes into the gears....