Crazy cheapo tweaks and impressive SQ hacking

Got a great little digital setup, enjoying the sound Ive been getting. But I had been craving a better DAC, maybe a really nice CD transport, player, SACD...etc.

Instead of going down the typical rabbit holes (where I inevitably be traveling), decided I’d try some silly tweaks and pluggin options?

Got a Raspberry Pi/Allo Digione with usb storage plugged in for files to play, into a cheapo Schiit Audio Modi Uber II, into a Creek Evolution 50A into some used Tekton Lore Reference, decent but very affordable cabling throughout thanks to Zu Audio.

Sound/resonance isolation a starting point, my daughter has an impressive rock collection, where she “loaned” me a perfectly sized rock to set atop the Modi, which I had already set upon some Hudson hifi feet. Also placed these feet under the Allo Digione. Then, downloaded a CD player plugging (Nanomesher) for the Digione that accommodates a cheap external CD/DVD drive via usb.

Stuck the CD player atop a dense little package box.

I cant even begin to describe the improvements...through CD player compared to ripped tracks from the same cd, more soundstage, depth, clarity, tone... mid bass has more color, definition and richness. Every clicky inadvertent texture is heard. Can hear Piano hammers lifting, releasing. Can differentiate the change in tone color and spit moving across a saxophone reed, you name it...all without being too harsh or clinical. I had already had the Hudson feet before using the rock and box, which suggests the cheapest mods worked the real magic here.

What gives? Didn’t expect this. Thought I was just grasping at the ridiculous...what will happen when I can actually allow myself to spend real money? Or do I have to? Thinking not?

Curious about your stories along these lines...anyone else with obsurd yet wonderful tweaks?
Geo show us the math please to anchor your Wild interpetation of Maxwells,Teslas and other electromagnetic gurus.
do you even know the basic forumals??
you sound like a good used car salesman
also please explain how to filter out the sub Hz resonance of the earth and the ever changing cavity with the ionasphere.. ever hear of the russian woodpecker.  or Teslas earthquake resoniator.

" >>>>Several points. The signal is not an electromagnetic field, it’s an electromagnetic wave. The magnetic field induced by the current traveling in the wire is not pulling or pushing the signal - it’s orthogonal to the signal, I.e., right hand rule. 👎 Also, the signal itself in wire is not vibrating. It’s an alternating current and voltage - they alternate at the instantaneous frequency of the signal. But there is only one current/voltage traveling in a wire at one time. The signal in wire is, however, subject to external vibration.
 But there is only one current/voltage traveling in a wire at one time. The signal in wire is, however, subject to external vibration.

yea right only one signal is in rf cable and phone wires.
also please explain how to filter out the sub Hz resonance of the earth

Behold! The Nimbus Sub-Hertz Platform! (aka Firestone air spring)

Geo show us the math please to anchor your Wild interpetation of Maxwells,Teslas and other electromagnetic gurus.
do you even know the basic forumals??
you sound like a good used car salesman
also please explain how to filter out the sub Hz resonance of the earth and the ever changing cavity with the ionasphere.. ever hear of the russian woodpecker. or Teslas earthquake resoniator.

>>>I don’t reckon I’ve seen so many illogical statements in one post all week. You really do deserve a prize. Congratulations! Also, just curious, is your spellchecker disabled? 🤕

Have to say I have been skeptical about the importance of vibration.

(But then I used to think that the ideas that power cords, wire direction, and fuses could make a difference to the sound of a system were fanciful too.)
Interesting experience today,
System just did not sound right. Bass not a tight or powerful as usual. Vocals not as clean.
Tried to figure what was different,
Noticed that heavy pile of books had removed from coffee table, a hollow box-like structure, to accommodate finger foods for a party.
Put books back.
Sound image snapped back into place- sharp vocals, tight tuneful bass.