Help!! Bought Rega TT in the UK and now cant use it in the U.S.

So I bought a Rega Planar 2 through Amazon U.K. because it was $175 cheaper than anywhere in the U.S. I feel stupid now because I did not think about the power supply. Can someone please guide me in the right direction as to what some of my options are to be able to use the TT here in the U.S. I dont want to make the wrong move and burn the motor in the TT.
Im not to savy when it comes to electricity so your guidance is appreciated. Thanks
You need to swap the motor. You just learned the hard way that there is a reason to purchase through proper channels. The Rega motor will cost you probably $150.00 you also have no warranty either.
No Rober a voltage step up or down transformer will not change ac phase 

US 60hz 
Europe 50hz 

Rega uses an AC svncronous motor designed for Europe or America wrong motor wrong speed. 

30 years of Retail exp we have seen this before.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor Rega dealers
Not sure about Rega, but we’re here using many Japanese turntables, they are all designed for 100 volt, but the outlet voltage in my country is 220v. Japanese turntable manufacturers provide switch between 50 and 60Hz on the turntable. So all i need is a step down transformer.

In your case you need a Step Up Transformer from your power outlet in the USA (110v) to your tuntable motor made for UK (220/240v).