Whats on your turntable tonight?

For me its the first or very early LP's of:
Allman Brothers - "Allman Joys" "Idyllwild South"
Santana - "Santana" 200 g reissue
Emerson Lake and Palmer - "Emerson Lake and Palmer"
Beethoven - "Piano Concerto No. 4 in G Major" Rudolph Serkin/Ozawa/BSO
The Beatles "MMT" from the mono box

I was gonna write some new fascinating, insightful discoveries about this lp but, in the end, I cannot. I always really liked a lot of the songs but there was never any sense of cohesiveness, taking the lp as a whole. Then I remembered the title....Magical Mystery Tour. Now I wonder why I spent so much time thinking about it?
Spiritofradio - The band Stryder that you mentioned is different that the English Band Strider. Look up Strider "Misunderstood" and the 1st album Strider  "Exposed", with the song Esters Place on it. There isn't any correlation between them and Van Halen.  As for Van Halen other than the Sammy Hagar years, they were just like any other bubble gum radio spot music band.

Also check out Hard Stuff  - Bullet Proof and their 2nd album Bolex Dementia. There original band name was Bullet until they changed labels.

I don't know if you are familiar with Gary Moore's band Skid Row that was out long before the Hair band Skid Row. Gary Moore that when he was 18 years old did an album called 34 hour and his album Skid Row. This was the dawning of a great guitarist that traversed several genre of music and did them really well.


On your point above regarding Van Halen. I’m pretty sure I get where you’re coming from.....although, I’d disagree on VH 1st lp...which is, IMO, one of the best pure rock debuts of all time.
("S/T" & "Mean Street" are the original line-up's best lps, IMO)

The Sammy Hagar years...I’ve always enjoyed, yet I never owned them. but Sammy IS one of THE great rock singers and his performances when he fronted VH where great!

As for Gary Moore, his last lp, a live lp is coming out soon.