Audio Note Kit 1

Bought a used audio note kit 1 300b amplifier recently. Haven't had a chance to listen to it yet. Any opinions on the audio note amplifier? Obviously build quality is of importance, being a kit amplifier. Has anyone had a chance to listen to there 300b built? System will be a sonore ultrarendu>chord2qute>audio note>15in audio nirvana alinco(open baffle). My current amplifier connected to this system is a EL34 Set Audio Nirvana. What kind of differences in sound character should I expect with 300b Set vs El34 Set. 
So the "sloth" comment was made specifically about the Audio Note or is this comment directed at all the 300B SET amps you have heard? Serious question with no malice!
300B SET amps do tend to sound a bit like that but there are some which sound far less soggy/bloated/euphonic than the Kit 1.The Kit 1 is certainly at the soggy end of the scale .I had a really cheap Chinese 300B SET that sounded like that too.The Elekit 300B SETs are much better.Surprisingly good actually .Still very speaker dependent but that is the nature of low power/ current drive/ high output impedance amplifiers .Especially those with no negative feedback.
@jtgofish when I first purchased the ANkit1 it had a pair of sophia mesh 300b tubes. These sounded very slow. Almost like syrup, albeit a very analog sounding syrup. After switching to the Genalex Gold Lions 300bs, it became much better. I think the final sound of the kit1 is very tube dependent. Love the amp though and dont see a upgrade in the near future. Fitted it with a upgraded power cord and synergestic research orange fuse. Both offered substantial benefits. My next upgrade will be new output transformers for the amp. I like the ability to upgrade parts when time/$ permits, and this amp if perfect for that.