Perfect Path Technologies confusion

I’ve 8 STOP IT plugs and 3 Alpha E cards.  An exhaustive search of the forum and PPT website has not revealed to me clear concise usage parameters.  I own The Gate and that had only one closed ended application and it works well.

One STOP IT each in unused receptacle?  Or two in each if the plug is unused?  The cards, one atop each piece centered, over the power supply or under the unit?  Or stack them.  Thank you in advance.
thecarpathian  You are right, I am coming from a position of ignorance when it comes to these product, and I am coming from that position because I am NOT ignorant.  If you hear a dramatic improvement in your system then great.  As a matter of fact, I have some "Audiophile Air" to sell you.  This stuff, which comes in a convenient aerosol can, will lift a veil off your speakers and allow you to hear deep into the soundstage as never before, bringing clarity and dynamics far exceeding previous limitations.  Bass will tighten and voices will come alive with that "In-the-room" presence.
After I've sold you 10 cans at $500 a piece, I have a friend that has a bridge he'd like to sell you. 
thecarpathian  Oh, and by the way, most companies offer money back guarantees knowing full well that only a handful of people will take them up on it.  They also know that any negative reviews will be discredited and denigrated by people like you.
After reading the first part of your first sentence, there was no point in reading any further. Says it all, doesn’t it. You are here for the sole purpose of denigrating a product which you admittedly have zero experience with, yet have 100% ignorance of. To bash a company you know nothing about. You must be so proud....oh, I see you do this on other threads as well.
That should make you doubly proud....

jnorris2005 "these crooks are depending on their ability to hypnotize you into thinking they have something magical"

You have no real world data, only theory in your head yet you are certain. I work in (conventional) medicine yet am also aware of various alternative practices, some with hundreds of years experience, yet most conventional physicians will tell you they can’t possibly do much. There are people like you in every field on knowledge.

Actually, I'm working with real-world data, the theories are in your head.  Do you really think that PerfectPath or SR have the facility to work with nanoparticles?  Do you really think that they're able to bend quantum physics right there within their own little laboratories.  Do you really think that sticking a little card on the cover of your power panel will allow the flow of current from your incoming AC to become more responsive? The dearth of any other information on their website other than promising "better performance" is telling - and it tells me that these creeps are too lazy to even bother coming up with their own pseudoscience.

If you think any of this nonsense is real, then more power to you.  I prefer to spend my hard earned money on real products, not the figments of some charlatans overactive imagination.