Perfect Path Technologies confusion

I’ve 8 STOP IT plugs and 3 Alpha E cards.  An exhaustive search of the forum and PPT website has not revealed to me clear concise usage parameters.  I own The Gate and that had only one closed ended application and it works well.

One STOP IT each in unused receptacle?  Or two in each if the plug is unused?  The cards, one atop each piece centered, over the power supply or under the unit?  Or stack them.  Thank you in advance.
jnorris2005 ...

  • "If you think any of this nonsense is real, then more power to you. I prefer to spend my hard earned money on real products, not the figments of some charlatans overactive imagination."

One of the beauties of free-market capitalism (what’s left of it) is that we have a multitude of choices in the products we use. Those of us who are currently using various products from Perfect Path Technologies are very happy with the results. You are obviously hampered by a closed mind when it comes to these products. However, even with a mind slammed shut, you still are a participant in the free market of choice. Therefore, you have the choice of NOT using the products as you wish. In the meantime, keep your childish insults to yourself. You are being ridiculous.

celtic66 ...

All of your questions have been answered in the PPT threads. They’re quite long, so hope you find this helpful ...

On the "Stop-Its" ... For best effect, use one for each open duplex throughout the house. If a receptacle has two open duplex, use two Stop-Its. Four open duplexes, use four Stop-its. It took 25 Stop-Its to do my place. The results were very significant.

On the Alpha E-Cards ... I have them in various locations, all spelled out in the PPT threads.

I have two stacks sitting on each side of my turntable motor. I have them on my PC and the modem in the bedroom system. They have been slid between the duplexes and the wall. Just enough room there for two on each side. I have them on top of the DVD player and the satellite box on the TV. Oh, and I have one between the back of my cell phone and the cell phone case. There’s more, but just use your imagination.

And by the way, the new Omega "Plus" E-mats are super effective. Much more powerful than the original Omega E-Mats. So, you might want to try them next. 

Hope this helps ...

roberjerman ...

  • +1 jnorris2005! Sanity prevails! PPT mats and cards are no more effective than Pokemon!

Just out of curiosity, which PPT mats did you try? Were they the originals or the new "Plus" mats? Also, where did you place the mats and the Alpha cards only to find that they were ineffective? And just one more question ... Was the 90-day return policy honored when you tried to return them?

Curious minds want to know ...

Thanks ..


  • "Why do people buy products with no instructions about how to use them correctly?"

Why do people continue to knock products they haven't tried for themselves?


thecarpathian  I came for open discussions about honest products and maybe to pick up some hints on prospective purchases and tweaks.  What I'm seeing is people with more dollars than sense shilling ridiculously expensive products espousing magic, voodoo and alchemy.
If I walked into a craft fair and one of the vendors told me that the wrought-iron ducks they build in their basement contain nanotechnology that removes negative energy and allows the freer movement of electrons, I would walk away very quickly.  My guess is that many of you would not.  I don't belong here and I intend to find some other forum where, as roberjerman says "sanity prevails".