@georgehifi so I wrote schiit about bridging the amp:
It was suggested to me that when any amp is bridged to go into mono it takes a hit as far as
“Distortion is higher
Output impedance is higher
Damping factor is worse
Not as stable into low impedance’s
If it was just stable into 4ohms it won’t be bridged
Current output is worse
And there are a few others I can’t think of at the moment.”
I’m considering a pair of AGier monoblocks. What you thought on bridging these amps
Here is the response;
Grover N (Schiit Audio)
Dec 11, 01:03 PST
The amps aren't bridged when run in mono - they run a single side of the topology, thus avoiding a lot of problems typically associated with bridging. Should work great as long as the speaker are 8 ohm nominal and still fairly efficient.