Should I sell my accuphase for this schiit

I have a super bad ass totally restored Accuphase p-250. I kind of really want to buy a pair of schiit aegir and use them as monoblock amps.  Am I crazy? Will the aegir blow me away? What do you think? 
This is for a bedroom system. 
Source: node 2i 
DAC: Gungnir Multibit 
Preamp: Schiit Freya+Amp: Accuphase p250
speakers: ascend acoustics sierra 2ex 
all the usual tweaks. 

I would suggest that the ascend acoustics sierra 2ex are on the inefficient side
Yes this is what I thought, especially with a ribbon tweeter, 20w amp is going to be working hard.
Why I said an Aegir on the highs and a Vidar on the mid/bass is going to be about as good as you can get.

Cheers George
@213runnin @georgehifi  I asked the ascend acoustics designer about the efficiency. I told him I was considering using a pair of AGier monoblock and he had me send over the specs. He’s response was “get the monoblocks, it’ll be no problem”... I’m glad I have y’alls input. I’m thinking I’ll stick with my accuphase. 
He’s response was “get the monoblocks, it’ll be no problem”
There it is, too hard for just one 20w stereo Aegir.
Don’t even bother with bridged mono, it’s a band-aid fix for more power.

But if you like it then just one Vidar should do nicely, and it wouldn’t surprise me if it was still better than the old Accuphase, you get to use it for 2 weeks and if by some chance it wasn’t you can send it back to Schiit.

And later on if you kept it maybe get the speakers bi-wired and get a "used Aegir" for that Class-A sound for the tweeter.

Cheers George
@georgehifi  so I wrote schiit about bridging the amp:

It was suggested to me that when any amp is bridged to go into mono it takes a hit as far as
“Distortion is higher
Output impedance is higher
Damping factor is worse
Not as stable into low impedance’s
If it was just stable into 4ohms it won’t be bridged
Current output is worse
And there are a few others I can’t think of at the moment.”
I’m considering a pair of AGier monoblocks. What you thought on bridging these amps

Here is the response;

Grover N (Schiit Audio) 

Dec 11, 01:03 PST 


The amps aren't bridged when run in mono - they run a single side of the topology, thus avoiding a lot of problems typically associated with bridging. Should work great as long as the speaker are 8 ohm nominal and still fairly efficient.


Should work great as long as the speaker are 8 ohm nominal and still fairly efficient.
Your answer is there, that it is taking a hit, and the proof for all the others would be comparing independent measurements of both mono and stereo. I bet it’s not the only parameter to take a hit.
Half the parameters that are affected that I mention above are encompassed, by saying "so log as the speaker is 8ohms"

Here’s a question you could ask Grover, would you be better to have an Aegir on the highs and a Vidar on the bass (gain equalized) , than to have 2 mono’ed Aegir’s

Cheers George