Perfect Path Technologies confusion

I’ve 8 STOP IT plugs and 3 Alpha E cards.  An exhaustive search of the forum and PPT website has not revealed to me clear concise usage parameters.  I own The Gate and that had only one closed ended application and it works well.

One STOP IT each in unused receptacle?  Or two in each if the plug is unused?  The cards, one atop each piece centered, over the power supply or under the unit?  Or stack them.  Thank you in advance.

You have not done anything until you have painted all the trees in your yard with some magic paint. Double the impact once you paint your neighbor’s yard, too.

Until you have done it, you just talk and have no experience what it could do. Your expertise, so far, has not been very convincing.
"Gluppy finally found a home."
Ok, maybe it is time to finally say it.

What you are doing here is profane.

This is not a funeral home and this is not a wake. Please stop dragging a late person through an Internet forum while patting yourselves thinking you are very considerate.

There is nothing wrong with discussing a product, one way or another, but constantly bringing one family's tragedy up while talking about an inanimate object is distasteful, to say the least.

Are you not ashamed of yourselves? Talk about all the mats you want, but leave personal tragedies out of it.

If I treat the transformer that intersects my property line as well as my neighbor to the left of me will that meet your criteria?  I have those devices on order for such treatment.

Have you ever ordered anything? 
Do you ever contribute anything?
Have you ever contemplated to offer anything of substance other than the color brown?

Your expertise has been nothing recently or never..I expect nothing more from you than wet air escaping one  of your blow holes.  Everyone should step away. Tom
"If I treat the transformer that intersects my property line as well as my neighbor to the left of me will that meet your criteria?"
Not at all. Transformer is, at least usually, not a tree in the yard. You can do whatever you want with it, but until you paint trees, you have done as much as me, the clerk at your grocery store, or anyone else.

"Have you ever ordered anything?"
Many things, but my shopping history is not the topic.

"Do you ever contribute anything?"
Sure I do. Unfortunately, it seems not to fly low enough.

"Have you ever contemplated to offer anything of substance other than the color brown?"
The paint for your trees I was mentioning was not to be brown, but you can try that, too, and report back.

"Your expertise has been nothing recently or never."
I, actually, did paint some things a few months ago. Not with an expensive contact fluid, I admit, but when it comes to expertise, we may be even.
glupson ...

Get a clue, man. No one is saying do not discuss the products.
If you want to discuss the products in a positive light, a neutral light, or even in an inquisitive light, then discuss away. 

What is being said is do not attack the manufacturer with negative, uninformed and ill-informed BS at this point in time. To do so is cruel and completely out of step with being a well balanced, positive human being.

Have a little compassion, will ya? <Sheesh!>
