You could also look at Verity (Parsifal Encore, in my case) which is a little warmer and less extended than the Cremona, but overall barks up a similar tree. Not quite the same, but in the same neighborhood. The Parsifal Encore isn't a super easy load, but most 70wpc tube amps should work well.
I currently both own Parsifal Encores and Cremonas so my opinion is based on long experience with both speakers in my own home. Doesn't mean you'll agree with my assessment, but -if you like the Cremonas - I suspect that you'd be pretty happy with the choice.
I currently both own Parsifal Encores and Cremonas so my opinion is based on long experience with both speakers in my own home. Doesn't mean you'll agree with my assessment, but -if you like the Cremonas - I suspect that you'd be pretty happy with the choice.