8 ohm speaker that sounds like sonus faber

Looking at a easy to drive speaker to use with tube amps around 70 watts.
You could also look at Verity (Parsifal Encore, in my case) which is a little warmer and less extended than the Cremona, but overall barks up a similar tree. Not quite the same, but in the same neighborhood. The Parsifal Encore isn't a super easy load, but most 70wpc tube amps should work well.

I currently both own Parsifal Encores and Cremonas so my opinion is based on long experience with both speakers in my own home. Doesn't mean you'll agree with my assessment, but -if you like the Cremonas - I suspect that you'd be pretty happy with the choice.

The PE's IMHO are a fairly tough load. I think they are a great speaker, but surely not an 8ohm load. An amp that drove them well for me was an Air Tight ATM-2 at 75-80 watts.
Of course the ATM-2 w/ Tamura Transformers are not your average 80 watt tube amp. The Fidelio Encore, while not as full range, is an easier load that will work w/ 60-70 watts.
Not saying the Parsifal cannot, but it will be more of an individual opinion, w/ things like room size and type of music perhaps coming in to play. Again, all this IMHO.

As I noted, the P/Es aren't a super easy load.

However, I've successfully run the P/Es with 55wpc Cary 805 SET amps for over 10 years. In fact, the P/Es were demo'd at the dealer (Sound by Singer in NYC) with these amps. Now, this is a pricey SET amp, but an SET, nonetheless, and, as such, not exactly insensitive to the load they face. I've also had no issue running the P/Es with PrimaLuna 7 tube amps, similarly rated. Rooms sizes (there have been several over the years) have ranged up to the moderately large (14x23x17' cathedral ceiling at the largest). I listen fairly loud at times - and my taste runs to some fairly full range program material.

Bottom line, I agree that the P/E is a modestly tough load - it ate up the 30wpc Atmasphere S-30 and the smaller Cary 300B monos. However, it will work well with most 70wpc tube amps, in most rooms, with most material at most listening levels - at least IME.
Having said all that - the Fidelio Encore might well be a better call for the OP's needs. I really only referenced the P/E because it's the model I own - and know best. I've briefly heard the F/E at a local dealer and agree that it shares the family sound that I was recommending to the OP. It's cheaper, as well.

However, the P/E has diminished in-room output below 40hz (as measured in my room), while the loudspeaker that the OP references (SF Cremona) gets closer to 30hz in the same space. Not a big deal for most music, but.....

While I've never measured the F/E in my room (never had a pair in there), I'd suspect that it trades away even more deep bass response. Therefore I'd guess that it moves a bit further away from "sounding like" the Cremona.

Ah,...trade-offs. Isn't it always that way.

Hi Marty. Yes, us common folk must participate in those damn trade offs. My room at the time was 24 X 14 w/ 8 ft. ceilings. Interesting it was an OTL amp that didn't work for you. It was my Tenor 75WI that didn't quite do it for me. A real shame, as both the Tenor and the PE's are both so good, just not paired together. Your point that the FE's would not have the bottom octave is a good one. That is why I bought the Parsifal's, after having heard the Fidelio's. At that time, I believe the Fidelio I heard was not the Encore though. Bottom line is I also believe the OP should be fine w/ 70 healthy watts. I would like to make one last point. I will say the Parsifal's may benefit from the extra power. My brief audition w/ that ATM-2 was a rewarding experience. Ultimately, I chose to keep my 250 watt CJ 8A's. The other map I had w/ the PE's was an Accuphase A50v. That amp really grabbed hold of those 4 Ohm woofers. I still sold the Accuphase to stick w/ tubes, but it's capabilities were obvious. Tight, detailed bass control.