Perfect Path Technologies confusion

I’ve 8 STOP IT plugs and 3 Alpha E cards.  An exhaustive search of the forum and PPT website has not revealed to me clear concise usage parameters.  I own The Gate and that had only one closed ended application and it works well.

One STOP IT each in unused receptacle?  Or two in each if the plug is unused?  The cards, one atop each piece centered, over the power supply or under the unit?  Or stack them.  Thank you in advance.
Sorry but you cannot hold a normal discussion with Gluppy at all.
I have never seen anybody who could go off on such tangents armed with as little experience as this.
How he gets from A to B on some threads constantly astounds me.
I am all for freedom of speech and inquiring minds et al but the limits are being pushed.

No substance
No contribution
No common sense
No continuity
No regular lateral thought process
No interest in actual betterment of the topic at hand

Feel free to add to the list

Well off to join the real world for the day now
Have fun.

I see everyone is enjoying the Brer Rabbit and Tar Baby routine. Done to perfection, I might add.
I would like to say one more thing regarding PP Tech. In my private discussion with Frank (Oregon papa), he said something that really made me take pause and take stock of myself. Frank told me how expensive it is for a new company to get started and ultimately make sales. By trashing the new said company, we doom the company’s existence before it can even get off the ground. This isn’t Franks exact words but my interpretation.

I am as guilty as the next person, perhaps I am either guiltier than most and I never stopped to think how a new company could be destroyed by bashing that goes on here. All I ask is that we stop and think before clacking on the keyboard and ask ourselves if what we are saying will hurt the company’s bottom line. I am sure most of us here would not want to be the person who makes the company lose sales because we screamed more loudly than the next guy.

Starting today, I will no longer bash a company that I know absolutely nothing about, and one that I have never heard or tried their products. We all can have an opinion but to bash a company because we do not agree with the Science behind it or because of the claims the manufacturer stated is detrimental to the High End. Personally, I want all of these company’s to succeed as it promotes thinking of other company’s for newer and better ways to do things.

I am quite ashamed at what I wrote previously in this thread and when I went back and re-read my posts, it really got me thinking. This is is not the person I am or who I want to be. So, before we fly off the handle because we think the product doesn’t work, please stop and ask yourself if what you are posting could damage the company’s reputation.

I know I was long winded but for those who read this all the way through, I say Thank You.

What you wrote made for a good read. I will follow suit..

So much new technology out there..comes to my phone everyday.
Just incredible device and materials.
Here is a new arrival.

stereo5 ...

Thanks for the heartfelt post. 

As I said previously ... you are a class act. 
