Will my Krell drive a 2 ohm load?

Apologies for posting the question twice.  I realize the title of my first post was maybe too limiting.  The forum software won’t let me edit it.

i’ll be using my Krell KAV-250a to drive my Magnepan 3.3r bass panels in an active biamp setup along with a pair of DWM bass panels.  Together they’ll present a 2 ohm impedance load to the Krell.  Can the Krell handle that?
Ag insider logo xs@2xjji666
hook it up and find out 
 what's wrong with you? 
   Don't take that the wrong way big dog     
I did hook it up.  

Well, actually, I swapped out the bass and mid/treble in the biamping setup first, so that my Classe CA-200 was on the bass and the Krell KAV 250a was on mid/treble duty. The Classe is rated down to 2 ohms although it doesn't double into it. 

Without the DWM's resistors, it sounded horrible.  The Classe lost all control of the bass and it was just one big boom, no matter the level set on the crossover.  

Add the resistors and it is an entirely different story.  Much of the clarity of the bass is restored and the speakers just sound a little "thicker" and weightier.  The bass panels are not screaming, just adding a little oomph. Still needs work, some tweaking, perhaps separate amplification and full range input (bypass the active crossover) for the DWMs, but I can see that this has some potential for an improvement in the Maggie experience.

The Classe has been playing for an hour now and isn't hot...
Update:  been playing at low volumes for many hours now. Classe is still not hot (cooler than the Krell, actually) and my ears are adjusting to the slightly stronger bass.  

This needs to be better integrated and dialed in.  There's work to do.  But it appears that adding the DWMs is a worthy endeavor.  At least as a fun test.