Vimberg Speakers

Hi Guys,

Anybody owns Vimberg speakers?
Have you compared the normal version to the D version? (Diamond tweeter)
What were your listening impressions?
What do you drive them with? Are they difficult to drive being 4 Ohms?
Anyone heard them with the constellations Mono 1.0?
Are they difficult to place in the room?
Are they versatile speakers?

I'm going to rebuild a system from scratch and I'm interested in the Mino.
I don't want to spend more on power than on the speakers (ie too difficult to drive)

Any insight is appreciated,


You might want to ask Jeff Fritz at Soundstage! if he has any thoughts or opinions on this.  He currently uses Vimbergs as his reference speakers for reviewing purposes. 
Thanks for the input. I actually should.
He has the bigger ones, the Tonda and he uses a Boulder 2060.
I want to rebuild a system from scratch, similar to his model.
Streaming DAC Preamp - Power Amp - Speakers.


There are two brands I have recently fallen for. Vimberg and 
Boresson. They have bypassed the British from what I have
heard. Please keep us posted on your progress.