What Ampliffier And Magico A3

What is the best amplifier for magico a3?
Now i use two monoblock Classé Audio Omega with a Nagra PLL, but i thing that i need something more dynamic ... maybe something like a Spectral Audio DMA 250 or 260 ...???..
I listen jazz, french and classical music..

Some suggestions?

Hello Dave and Troy
Thanks for your answer.Here my hifi is:TT: ClearAudio Champion 2  
PrePhono: Nagra PBS --- interconect Crystal Cable Micro
CDP: Moon Evolution Supernova --- Interconect CrystalCable Standard
PreAmp: Nagra PLL --- Interconect DIY (non-name)...PowerAmpl: Classé Audio Omega Omicron Mono Amplifiers --- Speakers Cables: MIT Shutgun 2And a pair of Magico A3 of course... :-)PC: PS Audio P10 --- AC: PS Audio
All other AC cable are CrystalCable Standard.

Note that I live in a new condo with dry walls and studs at 24 inches.It is a very bad sound room and i presently try to tune it with acoustic panels and diffusers panels.


Anytime I've heard Magico paired to VAC at my dealer's, it's been excellent - extremely musical. Any of the current VAC lineup, including the integrated, are fantastic. 
OP here are our recommendations:

1: Take your amps out of any PS Audio power conditioners, a re-generator kills dynamics.

2: Take out your DIY inteconnect and substitute one of your higher quality cables and re-listen.

3; Borrow a non networked speaker cable the MIT cables tend to roll off highs.

4: Add Critical mass footers under your preamp and digital components

See what these tweeks do for you

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ