Desktop Speakers for 10 wpc 300B Integrated

I'm planning to create a great desktop system using my Mac as a file source, a USB dac and a 10WPC single ended 300B based integrated.
Speakers will really sit on my desktop. I listen to classic rock, singer songwrighters, classical, and a smattering of other genre.
Midrange magic is priority, but would like moderate bass articulation.

Any thoughts for a great speaker match for this application?

Budget....under $2500 new or used.
Wow Swampwalker,
The TSM's are an interesting suggestion.They're fantastic speakers....right up my alley.
Has anyoune used the TSM's on a desktop?

Zu Druid Credenza. You can find them around and Zu might still build a pair for you. JohnBlue JB4, able to make 10 watts go further than their efficiency spec suggests.

I really love my little Quad 9Ls. They are very natural.
They fit right on the desk.
(Oh, I forgot these are self-powered so run right from the source. Still, they are great speakers. Maybe you can skip the amp...)