Vimberg Speakers

Hi Guys,

Anybody owns Vimberg speakers?
Have you compared the normal version to the D version? (Diamond tweeter)
What were your listening impressions?
What do you drive them with? Are they difficult to drive being 4 Ohms?
Anyone heard them with the constellations Mono 1.0?
Are they difficult to place in the room?
Are they versatile speakers?

I'm going to rebuild a system from scratch and I'm interested in the Mino.
I don't want to spend more on power than on the speakers (ie too difficult to drive)

Any insight is appreciated,


I also thought the Vimbergs were one of the best sounding speakers at AXPONA. Makes me wonder just how stunning the parent company Tidal offerings must be.
Thanks guys
@audiotroy you’re right, I’ve had my eyes on the X1 and especially on T+A for a while too
I think I’m almost set on the speakers, now I need to decide how to drive them
I’m looking to build a simple system, I was looking to have the Auralic Vega G2 as a streamer / Dac / Preamp directly into the Constellation Mono 1.0. What do you think of these components / setup?

The other option as per your suggestion would be to have the Lumin X1 into the T+A PA 3100 HV? For roughly the same budget.
In that case, I think the constellation blocks would probably drive the speakers better? Do you think these speakers are hard to drive them being 4 ohms?

For T+A, ideally you’d need to add the power supply or best, the mono blocks with the power supply but then the budget quickly goes through the roof...
For the Tonda vs the Mino, the Tonda are just too big for my room...

Can you use the Lumin X1 directly with power amps? Can it serve as a preamp? I saw lumin uses it with their new power amp but on their site they say that using it as volume control is not advisable?


Can LUMIN control my amplifier volume?

Currently, this feature is not available. The app volume control digitally adjusts the output from LUMIN. This is not necessarily the highest quality method and therefore we recommend that you use your amplifier’s remote control for this purpose.


I listened to a pair of Vimberg Mino recently and didnt feel the room or components were doing the speakers any favours.. my take away is that they def need careful system matching ie warm amplification. 

If you have that kind of coin to spend, also demo a pair of Falcon Reference.
They don't look as photogenic as the Vimbergs but in the 'flesh' they have real room presence, stunning speakers for sound and looks. Probably easier to system match too
Went online and was surprised they don't even list their specifications.  They look beautiful all except the tweeter and mid range drivers.  They also look like they are made similarly to PSB.  How much do they sell for?