Sonus fabre Venere s

Think it's about time to let go of my Klipsch Epic CF 4s still sound great no issues but wondering how they would compare to the Sonus Fabre Venere S speakers anyone went from Klipsch to Sonus Fabre speakers  ?
Which ever SF veneer you get, I've yet to hear a bad one, it will sound more musical than the Klipsch, you’ll be able to listen for much longer periods with them and have a better sound stage in front of you. They are the violin’s of audio not fiddle’s.

Cheers George
You are wrong, the Venere 3 Signature being the top of the Venere line is made in Italy and has a very beautiful and heavy cabinet.

No, you are wrong. They’re not made in Italy, and their cabinets are still crap. Here’s a quote from Soundstage Access in their review of the Venere S:

“The S’s dimensions of 48.2”H x 15.2”W x 18.6”D make it a substantial proposition. Yet its 63.5-pound weight belies its size -- looking at it, I thought it weighed 10 or 20 pounds more. Sure enough, when I rapped my knuckles on a side panel, it responded with a hollow resonance -- the Venere S doesn’t have the most inert cabinet you can buy for $5000.”

Like I said, there are plenty of other excellent options in this price range that don’t have crap cabinets.
@georgehifi — I think you’re confusing the Venere line with SF’s “normal” speakers.  The Venere sound is much more bright and forward than the rest of the SF line — it was made to fit a lower price point and attract a different type of customer.  They bear no resemblance to the traditional SF sound.  I know — I had the Venere 2.5 in my system on an extended audition. 
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I stand corrected then, I would never have though SF could make a non musical sounding speaker. Sounds as if someone took over the company and killed it.

Cheers George