SME 20/2 Static Electricity

I love my 20/2 but I get a lot of static electricity on the platter, especially in the winter.  
Maybe a platter mat will help.  Anyone had this issue and resolved it?  
I'm considering one of the many static removing devices as well. 
I never had this much static on either of the Clearaudio decks I owned previously.  Must be something related to platter material?
Thanks in advance for your help.

Gruv Glide works perfectly to remove static.  I won't get involved in a discussion of the sonic benefits or that stuff, but it is a total cure for static.  
I used to have difficulties with static with my Linn, but the Basis has a grounded bearing, which seems to have solved the problem.  I don't use it anymore, but I did use it on many records and never found it to harm anything.  
The newest version of the Audioquest record brush is grounded via your body; the bristles are in electrical contact with the handle.  I have found that this works pretty well to dispel static charge in the process of wiping an LP before play.  All the other cures and preventatives mentioned here probably have one degree or another of benefit.  My own biases make me skeptical about Gruv Glide or any other spray used anywhere near my LPs or equipment. That's just my personal opinion, and I don't believe such sprays are essential in view of the other available options.
My advise for the grounding mat is an easy one, it only cost 15.00 and no need to spray anything or buy a humidifier. It is a no brainer. In the 7 years I have used it, I have never had a problem with static zapping my system. I cut the mat down to 3" by 3" and have it sticking out from under the turntable at the top of my audio rack.  It is held down by 3M double sided tape and does not move but is easily removable.
My solution cost $15.00 and works, how much does the vinyl ionizer  contraption cost?