Al, as for the Jensen transformers you mentioned the XRL cables the OP is using are 6m long.
Any RF (buzzing) issues using a 6m XRL cable on the OP’s Krell amps?
Jim, as you may have seen the length of the cable on the input side of the transformer is not critical, from the transformer’s perspective. What matters from its perspective is just the capacitance it sees on its output side, which for a given cable type is of course proportional to length.
The constraint on the length of the 6 meter cable is that its capacitance should support ARC’s usual recommendation for most of their preamps and line stages of load capacitance of 2000 pf max. For a 6 meter cable that corresponds to around 100 pf/foot. Any decent cable should meet that requirement with a good deal of room to spare, which in turn would almost certainly allow more than enough margin for the unknown and most likely unspecified input capacitance of the amp, that would be "reflected" through the transformer and that is probably small compared to the capacitance of the 6 meter cable.
As far as RF which may be picked up by that cable is concerned, the transformer’s 50 kHz 3 db bandwidth limitation can only help.
Best regards,
-- Al