Speakers that excel at depth/layering/space

I am looking for comments on what speakers you have heard that provide a lot of depth, but with the depth, also layering and separation in the depth or soundfield.

Width and openess is one thing, but depth with layering and space from front to back is much rarer.

One speaker that recently impressed me was the PSB Synchrony One with Mcintosh amp and front end.

I've demoed a lot of equipment but don't hear this aspect that often.

Any comments or experiences to share?
"Width and openness is one thing, but depth with layering and space from front to back is much rarer."

It's not rare at all with electrostatic speakers.
I'm wondering how much electronics like the Mcintosh amp was contributing to this effect.

I thought about this more and a soundstage that starts at the speakers and then presents back from the plane of the speakers is part of what I was hearing. Also, very focused and not a huge soundstage (as in not super wide or forward) seems to contribute to this 'focused, layering effect.

Besides the PSBs, I have heard this with Audio Physic Caldera (albeit set up in the AP prescribed position) and Innersound Kaya, but both of those are very exceptional in their design and set up technique and have a one foot square sweet spot.
I don't think it's JUST speakers that determine this. It is the interface between all of the components that will ultimately determine how well the system images. IOW changes in the front end could potentially have an effect. The interface between speakers and amp could have an effect. Etc.

That said, I've found simpler designs with minimal or no crossover...single driver, and monitors, for instance, both excel at soundstaging depth. SET amps paired up with the right speakers are world-class at creating a holographic stage, but they don't serve as wide a variety of program material as well. OTL also do quite good paired up with the right speakers and are more versatile than SET. But it's not just the speakers.
I have heard many systems with great depth and imaging; Avalon, Kharma, Wilson, Apogees, Magnepan, Genesis, Thiel, Conicident and Aerial serving as transducer....but a recent demonstration of the Vandersteen 7 entertained a whole new realness to depth and layering. I am unable to put into words. I just have not experienced this quality in reproduced audio. Please, keep in mind this was a system in a well designed listening space.