Affordable cables

We all know and can't dispute that SR and other uber expensive cables can do magic with your systems however most of us aspiring audiophiles simply can't afford them. So I would like to hear from some of our colleagues who worked their way up the cable chain what if any cables priced at $100.00 or less made or make the most difference to a system. Interconnects specifically.  Thanks 
In this thread alone there are many who claim to have superior hearing ...
Of course you provide no example. Your "golden ear" is just a strawman argument.

That takes moore skills. I am a golden ear but not so much without my system.

Right. So here's what happens, or at least can happen, or at least is what I have actually seen happen. Person starts out not even able to hear something as obvious as the difference between a budget and really good CD player

If true this would actually be an achievement. One of the most experienced cable DIYers here, Erik, sometimes manages to build a pair that are only off by about 2 dB R to L. Yeah. DIY is that good. I guarantee it.

Short of a poorly made turntable cable no cable, cheap, diy or other mismatches this much side to side or cable to cable anywhere the audio band. This appears to be a made up or misquoted number.  Why do people post such obviously erroneous hyperbole?

Why do people post such obviously erroneous hyperbole?

>>>>I don’t know. Why can’t people only quote facts?
@millercarbon - re:...
Wait, I got a better one: how is this even slightly controversial? Just assume, for the sake of argument, it really is possible to assemble some off the shelf parts and get truly outstanding performance. Your DIY cable, (sorry, laughing, hard to type) so secret you found it on the interweb (right?) anyone can do it, and its so awesomely better than anything else, and for cheap, and yet there’s all these guys making obscene profits too dumb to figure out they can make even more building your DIY, slapping a fancy sticker with a name on it? There’s a ton of em Would they not be doing this?
You "appear" to make a valid case. But let’s break it down...
and yet there’s all these guys making obscene profits too dumb to figure out they can make even more building your DIY, slapping a fancy sticker with a name on it?
Well - the "high performance" DIY cables that I am aware of...
1. are made from specialist (expensive) parts that I DO NOT consider "off the shelf"
2. they use very high quality wires in their construction
3. they are not easy to fabricate because they use an unconventional cable geometry
4. resulting in an expensive & time consuming build process.

This makes it difficult to scale up to a cost-effective manufacturing process, which in turn makes it unprofitable, even for the smaller cable fabricators.

That’s why "these guys" - Would NOT be doing this with the more advanced designs.

Regarding your statement...
Just assume, for the sake of argument, it really is possible to assemble some off the shelf parts and get truly outstanding performance.
Like you, I have been there and found the cables I built that used conventional cable geometries (i.e. bulk cable) to be disappointing. So that part of your post I do agree with - in some part.

But you do seem to be generalizing and "tarring" ALL DIY cables with the "same brush", which I have found is not the case.

I do believe my DIY cables are actually competing with the very best commercially available brands for a fraction of the cost and that belief has been substantiated by the many DIY’er across the globe that have taken the time to pass on their positive observations.

Just thought I would share a differing point of view, so other readers can form their own beliefs/opinions.

May you ALL have an excellent holiday season - Steve :-)