Affordable cables

We all know and can't dispute that SR and other uber expensive cables can do magic with your systems however most of us aspiring audiophiles simply can't afford them. So I would like to hear from some of our colleagues who worked their way up the cable chain what if any cables priced at $100.00 or less made or make the most difference to a system. Interconnects specifically.  Thanks 
"  Wait, I got a better one: how is this even slightly controversial? Just assume, for the sake of argument, it really is possible to assemble some off the shelf parts and get truly outstanding performance. Your DIY cable, (sorry, laughing, hard to type) so secret you found it on the interweb (right?) anyone can do it, and its so awesomely better than anything else, and for cheap, and yet there's all these guys making obscene profits too dumb to figure out they can make even more building your DIY, slapping a fancy sticker with a name on it? There's a ton of em Would they not be doing this? So where are they? Oh and also at the same time the pro's would be testing and tweaking and finding trick ways to take all those same parts up a whole level, just so they can sell for even more. Leaving your regular old DIY in the dust.

Its one, or its the other. Notice nowhere in there is the scenario where the DIY really is good. Because they never are. Sorry. You got to at least pick a semi-defensible position to have any chance at all here. And this ain't it. "

You`re a bit of an arrogant yerk millercarbon and I kind if like that as long as you are talented as well. Are you? 

Tell me what ic`s you`re using and I`ll send you a set. 
Some people are impressed by bling. Most of these non-diy cables have lots of fancy marketing blurb but little in the way of real technology. They throw around terms like nano, and quantum like it means anything at the bulk level of an AC signal. It doesn't. If they had ant real tech they would talk in terms that actually mattered ... But ever notice they rarely do?   Look at SRs factory tour videos. They don't have the equipment to do anything that looks like real R&D. There is barely anything approaching real electronics test equipment. It's barely hobbyist stuff.  I expect many DIY cable builders are equal or better equipped.
Yeah, right. Please cut us some slack. Is this your first rodeo? 🤠
That $250 RIGOL scope and that $35 multi-meter inspires almost as much confidence as the cheap varistat and hand soldered PCBs ....