Need advice on new TT

Hi all

I'm currently using a restored Garrarad 301 but looking to go for a modern TT. Budget is around 20k$
My short list so far is Brinkmann Balance, Kronos Sparta and AMG Viella. I'm looking only for a table to use with my current 2 arms - Reed 3p and Ortofon 309D.
Any thoughts you wanna share with me on this ?
Thanks in advance to all repliers.

Bob from Rapsody is on WBF and Audiogon promoting Magico and his wares by the way.

per the the Raven it doesnt need promotion it is a known product.

If the Onkk proves its mettle vs those other tables yet costs thousands less we will have plenty of satisfied clients.

As you know my experience in this industry is lenghty to this date never heard a turntable sound this good with this degree of practicality at this kind of money which is why my company bought the display sample on the spot.

Bob from Rhapsody does not full court press threads like you guys foisting his agenda down people's throats.

you should self scout the density of your aggressive posting. if you are not embarrassed then you got a problem. 

no other forum would put up with it. Audiogon only sees dollar signs and is not concerned about it, so the community has to say something. and we are saying it.
Sorry Mike we disagree.

Gr4blu has 0 problems with Bob blatently creating a PR post proclaiming the greatness of the new Magicos which Rapsody has on order see our above post. 

Bob is also of WBF promoting his Allsovox products and here as well. 

If a new product is really good especially from an unknown company there is nothing wrong letting people know about it. 

C'mon Troy
You are the undisputed champion of self-promotion and have been told many times by many members to stop. But, as I've said before--you are the energizer bunny --you take a licking but keep on ticking. And so it will ever be.
Gr4 and as we have said many times before your hypocrispy is unbounded.

Not one peep out of you about Rhapsodys PR Magi post. How is that is anything other than a direct solicitation hey come buy these from us and it even lists all of his lines.

Nor any different than Mr Boivard who created his own unbiased forum which of course extolls the products he sells.

You need to get back to the music and what this industry is all about.

We will contiue to add new and exciting lines and products which are truly special.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor Nj