audiozenology"I do find your post rude, ignorant and disrespectful and it shows you lack knowledge in this area. I really do not know why you chose to post your disrespectful, inaccurate, and inflammatory post. The AC supply VOLTAGE is 60Hz"
I am sorry to have hurt you're feelings you are obviously a pensive, thoughtful, sensitive person I can only suggest, recommend, and advice you that when you make patently false, inaccurate, misinformed statements you should anticipate and expect that other contributors hear will respond with a proper response. if you seek a "safe space" where you're feelings can be nurtured, protected, and shielded from reality then you may wish to be cautious and circumspect when promoting you're unique technical explanations that conflict with established science and engineering principals.
In this most recent post it is NOT TRUE that AC supply voltage is 60 Hz you are confusing voltage and frequency these are two very different things and your claim, assertion, and argument reflect a a fundamental ignorance of electricity.