Looking for a good solution to cover my TV between the speakers. Cant move it

I'm unable to move my large tv out of the area where my system is and I need a (Good looking and effective) solution to cover it to eliminate the unwanted high frequency brightness it causes. It is a 60" TV. The front of my speakers are about 1 ft in front of the edge of the glass of the TV. This helps somewhat. 

Is it best to put some sort of diffusion material over the TV or some absorption material if I can't move it out of the room? What ever I choose needs to be easily removable. 

Appreciate any help!
There is a guy here who can make covers for any equipment.  He advertises in the classifieds a couple of times a month.  He has made me a few covers for my McIntosh equipment and everything was a perfect fit and they are very good looking.  His prices are very reasonable.

The person is Stan Clewett.  You can email him at   
stan at radiodustcovers  dot  com
+1 on the blanket. Used one myself for years.

If you want a lot more effective Owens Corning acoustic panel is the standard material inside a lot of very expensive acoustic panels. Two 1" thick panels 2x3 ft should do it. Wrap each one with fabric, done. So light and small, easy to move, extremely effective. Being 2 panels easier to move and you can experiment with things like using them angled or flat or whatever.
Same setup here, floorstanders are 1ft. forward of my flat screen. I use a lightweight blanket draped over the TV. My thinking is there should be no absorbion so close to the speakers. I currently have excellent imaging and would like to keep the center area as neutral as possible. I only want to stop reflection off the glass.

I bought a black bed comforter (at Bed, Bath, & Beyond) that I drape over my 73”. Since it is a few inches bigger than the TV, I fold the excess on the side and at the top behind the set in the top corner and use a plastic clamp to secure the excess material. Looks clean and works great!