Dear friends:I really need your helpwith first hand experiences with speaker crossover capacitors founded in next main experiences/tested premises: for a 3-way speaker design, high resolution audio systems, very low distortion audio systems, wide systems frequency range, " zero trade-offs ".

I know that the best capacitor is NO-capacitor, well I need your near to that full experiences with another desired premises from you: audio systems using SS electronics and mainly listening MUSIC through digital sources.

All your opinions/help are appreciated.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,

Ag insider logo xs@2xrauliruegas

May I know what are the original capacitors in your speaker crossovers and what is the reason you want to replace them?
Rigth now I’m using Wima in the tweeters crossover and band-pass
Can you hear any difference?

Thanks and regards

Dear @imhififan   : My speakers are heavely up-graded but are old ones by ADS and the original caps, resistors and inductors if I remember has no " name " builder or maybe yes but I can't remember for sure.

I have first hand experiences with Duelund, Mundorf, Sonicaps, V-caps, Mit, Jantzen and other caps. All of them with really high prices per piece.

Wima is the standard not only in the audio industry but in almost any industry market segment.

Open any amplifier or preamp and you will see full of Wima caps down there. Should be because exist proved reasons to use those Wima caps.

Last week I decided to test Wima though my tweeters due that I have many wima caps that I changed in the past in system electronics, not the ones I own today.

I changed in the tweeter crossovers instead the Jantzen Alumen Z and even that I'm still making the evaluation I can attest in the tested time that I'm totally surprised with the MKP 10.
Where the Alumen Z are " neutral " the MKP 10 are true neutral and colorless/signatureless other than the MUSIC intrinsec color and yesd I heard and I'm hearing differences: important ones.

I was not prepared for what I'm listening rigth now because you pay " penauts " for a Wima caps against big dollars for the boutique caps that can't honor that colorless because all those heavy priced caps unfortunatelly adds " colorations/distortions ".

Till now the Wima in my system and through the tweeter and band-pass ( midrange.tweeter. ) crossover filters works great and at higher quality levels that the " other " caps or any thing I listened before in my system and in other systems.

Examples: around the middle of number two track in the original soundtrack of Gladiator you can listen the sound between swords when one hit the other.
Well in the Jantzen sounds really good but through the Wima you stay with out words to explain it: just outstanding if you consider that the Alumen Z are really good quality performers. Outstanding because the sound is not only precise but truer sound with a rigthness dificult to explain it and dificult to beats it.

In the Lyn Stanley Potions recording and in the very first track in the first minute ( at the end of that first minute. )  that started the track we can listen a very delicated high frequency strokes in a triangle, very delicated and with the Wima exist a very high definition with a precense so vivid ( not organic. ) that you can't be in other way but impressed for it.

Other " moments " are in the Telarc 1812 Overture where around 30 seconds before the first 5 cannon shots you can listen in the " long distance " the sound of a tambourine with perfect purity and after those shots comes the carillon sound that any one of you will die for till you listen to with Wima caps.

That's why I decided to bought the caps for my woofers and midranges. I will go " slowly " step by step to can be totally sure on the whole wima caps subject.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,


Glad you found the perfect capacitors for your speaker crossover.

Regards and enjoy the music!

Breaking in a cap is not really on my fun list. I have alumen z/CMR in crossover, you prefer the cheap Wilma? Looked them up they are pretty cheap. How long was break in? Sometimes the new sonics can become wrong after newness wears off. 
Hmm... Perhaps I'll give a pair a try in my crossover too. Easy to do for $10.