Replace HDD in Sony HAP Z1ES with an SSD

I'd like to replace the (original) HDD in my HAP Z1ES with a solid state drive of perhaps 2.5 TB capacity. I'd appreciate any advice/caveats/taboos?
How do you connect the RAID setup. I might get a Sony HAP Z1 if I am able to do that. I sold mines because I ran out of HD space.
ott, I am intrigued by your mention of having had the Modwright upgrades done on you HAP Z1. Have you done a write up on your experience anywhere? If not, do you have time to reflect on what you think of the affect of the upgrade on the audio quality?
I'm self employed, so my boss is a jerk. He sends me to places like Crudistan on short notice for weeks at a time. Never anywhere like the South of France or Ibiza.

I can tell you that my tastes in music are rather narrow, so my experience is to be taken with a grain of salt.

I think the Modwright upgrade greatly improved the dynamic contrast of music and enhances my experience of large ensemble music; inner detail seems to have exactly the right heft and music like the Poulenc Harpsichord Concerto have astonishing depth. Roxana Panufnik's "A Violin For All Seasons" is breathtaking. I play violin (badly). The timbre and pitch are  very close to the real thing. Subtle arpeggios are clear and distinct. If you listen to complex music, the HAP mod will be a revelation.
If you have specific questions, I'll do my best to answer them. 
I, too, play violin (badly) and am wondering about the BIG expense of modding the HAP Z1 (just purchasing one now). I want to expand internal storage to 2TB with an SSD, but am wondering if it really sounds $3000 better when getting the 'serious guts' modded?  I listen to classical and orchestral and some jazz.  With eyes closed/blind test, is the difference really 'night and day' between the unmodded and the modded player?