Audio Kinesis Swarm Subwoofer Awarded 2019 Golden Ear Award by Robert E. Greene

Recognizing member and contributor @audiokinesis for this award!!!
audiokinesis:"In my opinion room treatment in the bass region is virtually always beneficial, as the improved damping reduces the magnitude of the peak-and-dip swings."

Thanks Duke.  My room acoustics and GIK products efficacy adventures begin.

use the Swarm to fill in the bottom octave or so.

@audiokinesis just checking, this means 88 hz and below right?


     The bottom octave refers to 16-32 Hz, 32-88 Hz is what is technically  referred to as the 'or so'.

Thanks Tim, I thought the bottom octave was technically 11-22 Hz (not that I can hear anything there), then you have 22-44 Hz and 44-88 HzSo what you guys speaker / audio equipment experts refer to as the "bottom octave" would be as you are describing 32 Hz (possibly what we most can hear) and 88 Hz?

@luisma31  The bottom octave is generally considered to be 20Hz to 40Hz, the second octave 40-80Hz and so on.

80Hz has a bit of a special meaning to subwoofers and the human ear because it is at about this frequency that bass appears omnidirectional to the human ear. This is partially because it takes some time for the ear to register that the bass has occurred. So it does not matter where the woofers are if they are only operating below this frequency; the rest of the speaker system (80Hz and above) provides the location information on those bass notes from their harmonics.