Does raising speaker cables off the floor really make a big difference?

My cables are laying on the floor (in a mess), would raising them off the floor really make much of a difference? The problem is they are quite wide and too long so any suggested props are appreciated!  Cheers

"WireWorld understands and chooses jacketing that does not require lifts"

Every show I did with Dave we used Cable Grounds.

Raised speaker cables off the floor works for me. Give it a few days or so and then see if you hear a difference when you return the speaker cables back to the floor.
It’s the same for electronics. Raise them off the floor. I-SO-LATE them. Hel-loo! You might try rubbing everything down with Bounce! anti-static towelettes. 
Get them off the floor on good cable holders asap for a big improvement in sound quality.

68 posts12-18-2019 8:23amIt is us that holds the charge when we get shocked, not the carpet. If your humidity is really low, that could be having a real effect on the sound (more attenuation at high frequencies). Get a humidifier. Cable elevators can’t fix humidity.

>>>I wooden be too sure about that. Objects hold static electric charge, some more than others. Human beans 🔜attract🔚 surplus electrons from objects with static charge due to electric potential. Like lightning. That’s kind of the whole point of getting the cables elevated from the carpet. That’s also why it is a good idea to rub CDs and cables and cords down with Bounce anti-static towelettes or use a de-ionizer. A humidifier just makes it harder for static electric charges to build up on objects.