New upper trim level Corvette or seven year old used amps?

Recently I have experienced quite a few people I know either passing on or being diagnosed with some type of cancer. And as I have never strived to be the richest guy in the graveyard, I was thinking of buying one of the new Corvettes. I also started to look at my older tube amps, good, but I had had them for about nine years, and the whole tube thing....then I started to think about some SS amps( I know, I’m going to hell). TAD M600, Dagostino M400, and then ventured into Dartzeel territory. Long story shorter: I came upon a pair of used Dartzeel 458’s, totally crazy price, totally crazy good. I have had them about a month and have enjoyed over 100 hours of listening nirvana. Had I bought the vette and drove it 100 hours, I’d have lost my drivers license, and spent thousands on tires, fuel, fines, etc.  
myth buster: it’s all worth it! Expensive power and speaker cables, interconnects, speakers, and Dartzeel 458’s.
Anyone that tells you otherwise is using cost not quality as a determining factor.
Enjoy the music and Life


.... being wrong all the time does not mean you have a non-linear mind, it just means you are wrong all the time.

If you want to be a conspiracy theorist, I am sure there is a flat-earth meeting you can attend. Telling people to smoke weed to reduce their cancer risk is literally dangerous. This is real research, by people who are qualified to do it. It clearly shows higher risk. Let me guess, you probably rail against seat-belts as well, because the odd time seat-belts do cause death?
Nobody gets out alive, I like the perspective of many hobbies and interests

sorry if I denigrated the Vette, indeed they offer world class performance at affordable prices

how will we spend our day today? A fine question....

father in law 6 years into stage 4

so far immunotherapy ( experimental) has done the best, all the approved stuff and some liquid cbd

like Warren Zevon said “ enjoy every sandwich “....
Hey, that reminds me, what the heck ever happened to atdavid, sailboat, the thermal control company dude, and one or two other Ethans? Are they on vacation? Did their self-destruct button blow itself up? Are they sent from the same underground skeptic’s organization. Maybe from the ... foundation? From AES? 😩