I went with the Freya S. It arrived yesterday afternoon. Here’s couple quick impressions. So, it’s been on for a bit over 24 hours. A bunch of internet radio and selections from the music library along with 4 episodes of Monk have been run through it. The interconnect for the output of the Freya S has been sitting dormant for a number of years so I’m sure it’s going through some settling in itself.
So far I’m pleased. The Freya S started opening up and blooming a bit a couple hours ago. Many things are an improvement over the pre section of the NAD C320BEE. There is excellent detail, tone and timbre and very good dynamics. The micro detail and ambient retrieval is great and music sounds very natural.
The C320BEE on its own has a bit weightier, slightly warmer and a slightly bigger sound to it and the music is a bit more artificial and mechanical. There is a slight veil and graininess to it. The Freya S on the other hand is smooth and refined. Brass and cymbals sound real and less splashy and more like brass. The one reservation I have at this early stage is that I want the Freya to open up a bit more and flesh out a bit from the lower mids through the bass.
I am impressed with the build quality and look of the Freya. It’s very well made. The relay switch volume control is excellent, just excellent. Perfect tracking and such fine adjustments to get the perfect volume you desire. Of course it has those infamous clicks people talk about. I happen to love it but my wife and daughters are not fans.:-)
I’ll add some more impressions after the Freya S has had a few more days of settling in.
So far I’m pleased. The Freya S started opening up and blooming a bit a couple hours ago. Many things are an improvement over the pre section of the NAD C320BEE. There is excellent detail, tone and timbre and very good dynamics. The micro detail and ambient retrieval is great and music sounds very natural.
The C320BEE on its own has a bit weightier, slightly warmer and a slightly bigger sound to it and the music is a bit more artificial and mechanical. There is a slight veil and graininess to it. The Freya S on the other hand is smooth and refined. Brass and cymbals sound real and less splashy and more like brass. The one reservation I have at this early stage is that I want the Freya to open up a bit more and flesh out a bit from the lower mids through the bass.
I am impressed with the build quality and look of the Freya. It’s very well made. The relay switch volume control is excellent, just excellent. Perfect tracking and such fine adjustments to get the perfect volume you desire. Of course it has those infamous clicks people talk about. I happen to love it but my wife and daughters are not fans.:-)
I’ll add some more impressions after the Freya S has had a few more days of settling in.