Loudspeakers - how best to prolong their lifetime?

Another thread, regarding obtaining speakers "for life" got me thinking about the lifetime of our speakers. Let's assume, for the sake of the argument, that we have a set that we really don't want to lose (just what I own right now). Is there anything that one can do to prolong their lifetime? We'll assume that we look after them regarding the power that we throw at them and that we don't play them excessively loud and blow the cones.

I recall my first "real" speakers, which were Castle Kendals. After a few years in storage, following an upgrade, I went back to them to use in my third system. They sounded terrible when I connected them up and the removal of the grill showed just why - the cone's foam surrounds had disintegrated! I pulled the two sets of spares out, ones that I had obtained from Castle as backups, and they had also gone belly-up. My current speakers have glass-fibre reinforcement so I expect some longevity.

Is there anything to do or do we just have to take what we are dealt?
I was told to rotate them 180 degrees also.I'm not sure how often this needs to be done.Maybe going by looks,if it's sagging.Keep out of the sun like mentioned above.

It theory yes, but what if your wife refuses to go through with this?
Who changes the foam surrounds? I mean, do the original manufacturers offer that service or are there third party companies that can do it?
I've had a local dealer do mine in the past. They did ok,but weren't expensive speakers.If I had some that were of higher quality,I may use a company that does specialize in it.One that comes to mind is Millersound.They seem to have a good reputation.There may be other ones,that people will recommend too.Link for them.[http://www.millersound.net/indexfl.htm]