New upper trim level Corvette or seven year old used amps?

Recently I have experienced quite a few people I know either passing on or being diagnosed with some type of cancer. And as I have never strived to be the richest guy in the graveyard, I was thinking of buying one of the new Corvettes. I also started to look at my older tube amps, good, but I had had them for about nine years, and the whole tube thing....then I started to think about some SS amps( I know, I’m going to hell). TAD M600, Dagostino M400, and then ventured into Dartzeel territory. Long story shorter: I came upon a pair of used Dartzeel 458’s, totally crazy price, totally crazy good. I have had them about a month and have enjoyed over 100 hours of listening nirvana. Had I bought the vette and drove it 100 hours, I’d have lost my drivers license, and spent thousands on tires, fuel, fines, etc.  
myth buster: it’s all worth it! Expensive power and speaker cables, interconnects, speakers, and Dartzeel 458’s.
Anyone that tells you otherwise is using cost not quality as a determining factor.
Enjoy the music and Life


Easy to decide:  GET THE CORVETTE.

Full disclosure:  I own a '66 and went to the Corvettes at Carlisle this August and saw the car.  OMG, as the kids say.  It is a totally amazing car and I am obviously a huge C2 fan. 

The most surprising part was seeing the car in various colors AND I have pics of it "blown apart"--that is, the INSIDE of the structure.  I will be glad to send them to you if you wish--this is SOME CAR, believe me.  AND, the most amazing and elegant color was a Caddy borrow called Zeus Bronze.  Now, I HATE brown cars with a passion, but once again, OMG!

I live in what most people think is a "ritzy" town--been here for 50 years and it wasn't so "ritzy" when I moved here, but that's another issue.

Anyway, cruising up to the club in this thing would displace the MANY exotics normally seen there--you know their Italian and German and American names by heart--this car in that color--get right out of town!

Since it may be sold out where you are, possibly wait for next year as they have, according to Tadge, the chief Corvette engineer who spoke to us, MANY surprises coming--including a sound system that had to be dialed BACK it was so good.

Always amazes me how some "hobbies" cross-over to others.

Bought my first car at 19, a '68 427 ragtop, still have it. Still makes me smile. Don't drive it as hard as I used too.  Have a 2016 Z-51 vette, 
fabulous car, but the downside (as someone mentioned) is that once you have been on the track with it a number of times it is really hard to drive on the street. Porsche makes beautiful very capable cars, have driven many, never had the desire to own one. Same goes for Ferrari.

But, I was an audio fan first, so that really is my first love.
The only downside is I can't take it on vacation, the upside is I've never
got a speeding ticket while on the couch.

BTW Chevy has officially stated that the C8 for 2020 is sold out. I'm waiting on that Grand Sport variant.
The New Vette is certainly a hell of a car and without a doubt an amazing value in this category.  I doubt you will see many 60K ones out there.  I played around with a build and to do it right you are running closer to 80K. Still quite a machine for that kind of $$.

I might even attempt to get a test drive.

BUT, no matter how terrific it is, it will not replace my 2006 911S. In fact, I would not trade it , even up, for a new 992.  I just love my car.  It wraps around me like a driving suit. Its sounds right, it does not have electric steering and it has 3 pedals.  

My audio setup is really sounding great to me and has really re-established my interest in listening to music.  Worth the $$ I spent on updating it.  If it were a choice between the music machine or the 911 I enjoy 8 months out of the year,  the car would be staying. I would miss the audio system but I would miss opening the garage door and (still) saying--that's my car? How did I get so lucky ? , even more.

I intend to keep my 911 till I can no longer drive it comfortably. 

Porsche prices tend to be pretty regional, so what may go $40K where you are, goes for much less in other areas. Where I am, $40K will buy you a <15 year old 911 with <60K miles. You may even find one on the fringe of that for close to $30K. i.e.2008 Porsche 911 Carrera 4S/SPORT CHRONO . 60K miles, $38K + taxes and licensing. That’s not a one off either. 2008 Porsche 911 CARRERA 4 6SPD 997 SUNROOF AWD ... 52K miles, $34K + taxes and licensing.

$ for $, the Cayman is a better sports car. To the OP, as nice as the new Vette looks, you can rarely use that much power. I would take out a Cayman before buying the Vette.

Buy a Lotus...

It’s all power/weight ratio, after all. :)

...and it’s more fun to suck their doors off with something that doesn’t look Threatening...nor familiar....

That, and they handle like the 'go-kart' that you used to want.

And 4 cylinders won't eat ethyl like an 8 doing so.....Toyota parts, too.  *S*