Recommendation for an audiophile speaker cord that is not "bright"?

A friend has loaned me the Nordost Valhalla I and II as well as Nordost Frey 2 cables. They are wonderful speaker cables but do emphasize the "brightness" of my system including my Wilson audio Sahsa 2 speakers.

Any suggestions? Would used Transparent cables provide a richer bottom end? What about Audience Reference?

Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated. - Thank you - Gerry
As the OP, just saying that I loved the sound of my system before I tried the Nordost Frey 2, Valhalla 1 or Valhalla 2 speaker cables.

I have Nordost Valhalla power cords, Nordost QBase and a dedicated main and ground, and a Nordost QPoint under my preamplifier. These were tremendous, incremental upgrades that really "lowered the noise floor." 

So, I love my Wilson speakers and the rest of my system.
I realize I will probably get a lot of heat for saying this but it’s Christmas time so what the hell. The primary reasons cables sound bright can be placed right at the doorsteps of (1) they aren’t broken in yet, (2) they’re in the wrong direction and (3) it’s something else in the system that’s producing bright sound.
I would suggest Kimber Kable Ascent Series 8TC or 12TC cables . I believe the 12TC would work best with your Wilsons. 
(  I understand that their Summit Series Monocle XL is also excellent ) .  
geoffkait- My system is great - it now consists of an Esoteric K1X (bought it in Japan this fall), Shunyata OCXO OP19 master clock, McIntosh preamp, ARC GS150, etc. It sounds great with my run-of-the-mill copper speaker cables. And the Nordost cables I tried were broken in and in the right orientation. I know a bit about the last detail from my experience in the OR. 
Mine is a second vote for Analysis Plus.  I found no need to go to the expensive end of their line either, their Oval 9's are not colored or bright, just transparent.  Like they are not there!