Best sounding universal player (CD, DVD-A, SACD)

Hi all,
I choose the best universal player for CD, DVD-A, SACD. May be read SACD-R on DVD-R.
My list is:
Esoteric SA-60
Esoteric UX-1
Marantz UD9004
Accustic Arts SP1
Bladelius Freja
Ayre C-5xeMP
Meridian 800 DAX (only DVD-Audio)
Meridian 808.1 and 808.2 (CD, DVD-A)

Maybe someone compared? Another players?

Thank You for the brief.  I find cables and power cord(s) fascinating in form and function.  Pretty cool to connect one into your system and discover passages/textures not previously appreciated.

Happy Listening!
@chipdelacalada  I have now been listening to the new Silverstar ic between my Esoteric and the preamp. It is a superb cable with no faults that I can hear. Slightly more capable in the dynamics department and very slightly more able to portray bottom end definition than the still excellent Coppertone. I think the Silverstar might be preferred in some applications. Nonetheless, the Coppertone is still a tremendous cable and unbeatable IME at anything near its price range. 

@jafant  Thanks, I really highly recommend Chris's hand made Black Cat cables to anyone who is looking into new cables for their system. 
I have found the Esoteric branded Acrolink to be the best cables for my Esoteric UX-3. I use an Acrolink power cord, interconnect and digital cable.  It was my first holy cow moment when I inserted their interconnects into the system.