... My main gripe is the pro stuff is dismissed by way to many who have never heard them and have a bias against them because they were told they were bad. Not because they listened and decided they were bad. IF you have heard them all and make a decision based upon that that's one thing I can respect.
I meet very few who do make the time to listen though and I think it is a shame for so much uninformed reasoning to be so prevalent.
@mahlman --
I can relate to this, and I would agree. Let's face it - we're up against a lot here; a whole industry and an established hifi-community that for decades has created and nurtured a "paradigm" or accepted way-of-thinking into the reproduction of music in a domestic environment. Within restrictions that field is diverse, but, by and large - from my chair - it's the same record played over and over again, year after year (although they would like to trick us into believing the cover changes). I've had enough of the swooning over this so-called "development" into further refinement and polarization of the market, and would rather see the striving for macro parameters where physics have its say, meat and potato wise - and contrary to what many believe that's not necessarily excluding refinement.