Does raising speaker cables off the floor really make a big difference?

My cables are laying on the floor (in a mess), would raising them off the floor really make much of a difference? The problem is they are quite wide and too long so any suggested props are appreciated!  Cheers
cables create a magnetic cables create a magnetic field carpeting and cables static electricity, off the floor there is no potential conduction or attraction ..
i have been using them for years
power cords also for they carry much more current youcan just cut blocks of wood and cut a notch into it.
People! Let’s not forget the vibration transmitted by the floor to the cables. Has anyone tried springs under cables or power cords? Hmmmmmm

Lots of things in this hobby are invisible! - magnetic fields, electric fields, vibration, acoustic waves, electromagnetic waves, RFI/EMI.

Pop quiz: why does external vibration affect the audio signal in cables? Free prize to first correct answer.
sigh.  Folks that claim to be engineers.... but who don't actually measure with scientific instruments.... 

if there is REALLY a change (in some systems there is, in many there is not....lots of complex reasons for this.  I will not give you a scholarly education on this.  not my job).. if there really is a change.. then it CAN BE MEASURED.  If your ears can hear a change then that MUST MEAN the audio waveform coming out of the speakers has changed.  If the waveform changes, it can be measured.  High end spectrum analyzers can easily resolve audio signals.  And are far more sensitive than the human ear.  

So, when someone claims big things.. I say show me the measurement.  NOT a subjective impossible to quantify.. "my ears or my ear "training" or my sense of hearing are more evolved an better than yours" like most claim. 

Humans are notoriously susceptible to suggestion and creative bias in perceptions.  


Science.  Engineering.  Not subjective opinions.

Now if you do measure, you will find that for some combinations of cables and equipment.... raising them does help a wee bit.  But this is not the case for almost all set ups.  There are so many large effects that would need to be fixed first that to get down to the need to raise cables would be fairly low on the list.  The effect is very tiny.  
So, when someone claims big things.. I say show me the measurement. 

>>>>>I’ll show you mine if you show me yours. 
Seems as though generated a lot of sarcasm, so I'll spare you because I believe you asked your question with a genuine concern.  Here is an article you should read from top to bottom.  Please google-"Roger Russell/speakerwire" and educate yourself. As a matter of fact all that haven't already read this article should do so.  Hope you will find peace on your audio journey.